Monday, October 6, 2008

Weddings are just wonderful!

My weekend started off with my roommates weeding. We traveled to the wonderful town of Cardston Alberta. I did as much as I could to help and then took my post at the guestbook table. Now I told my roommate that I would do anything to help and I didn't mind a bit, if anything it made the night go by a lot faster. Now I have been to my fair shares of weddings and I have never really liked them but I think a calling reception might be the way to go. The people came in grabbed some food and then left. All we had to do was clean up after. There wasn't a whole lot to worry about. I also got to have the great privilege of meeting to wonderful ladies. I only hope I have there energy when I am there age. I am very happy for my roommate to take the next step in her life.

The rest of the weekend I watched conference. It was all really good but I must say my favorite prophet Joesph B Wirthlin was the best speaker hands down. Now I am not saying this is a competition but if not for his charm his message was great to. I was also able to get in a much needed walk.

Today was my first day back to work after my two week holiday. I was not very excited at first buy quickly got back into my routine that I had before. It was good for a break and I recommend it to everyone.

Take care Mary

P.S. There is nothing better then tennis!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

If I get married, I will not make you do any work at my wedding. In fact, I will place you in some sort of seat of honour, and then toast you throughout the night. yes?