Sunday, March 29, 2009

Weddings, Family, and Movies!

Do you ever wonder why things happen to you well I have come to the knowledge that every thing that happens to us in life is for a reason. This is probably not new to most of you but for my self it is a new realization. There has been a lot of things happen to me over the last little while, some have been good and some bad and I am very grateful for everything that has come my way.

I was able to spend some wonderful time with my family this weekend. One of my cousins got married and so my parents and one of my brothers made the trip down for the weeding. I am not a huge fan of weddings as a lot of you must know but I was quite happy with the way this one went. My cousin got married and then right after had her reception. This I think is one of the smartest things to do. For the reception she just had a dinner no program or any thing else. People could leave if they wanted to or stick around. I thought it was a great idea.

I was able to watch my nephew this weekend play some basketball. He is in grade three and I thought it was quite funny how serious the parents were with there kids for them to win. However my nephew did quite well. Something I have to look forward to I guess when I have children. Don't worry that is not any time soon! HA HA

Speaking of children there will be a new addition to my family as my sister in law from Edmonton is pregnant. Are family keeps growing which is a wonderful thing! I wonder if this will be a girl or a boy she informed me that she was not going to find out. We have no granddaughters as of yet just grandsons so we shall see.

My roommate and I tend to always watch movies on Sunday and this Sunday I had the great privilege of watching two really good movies. The first one was A knights tale. This one of my roommates favorite movies and I can see why. Lots of comedy, action and a little bit of romance. Who could ask for anything more. I was able to watch a great church movie tonight that I thought was very well done. I don't like a lot of church movies as I find the acting is not very good but I was very impressed with this one, its called Anxiously Engaged. Not your typical Mormon movie but in my opinion very well done.

Well that's about it for my highlights! Remember I will be back! talk to you soon!


P.S. There is nothing better then tennis!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pressing forward!

It is now march and I can't believe how fast this month has gone by. I have not wrote any thing in a while and for good reason. My boss of my second job fired the other girl that works for them in February. So for the last couple of weeks I have been doing double shifts. It wouldn't be so bad I think if they were not all in a row. On the nights that I am not working which are few I am usually to tired to write or I am trying to catch up with friends who I never see anymore.

There has been a lot going on in my life besides work if you can believe it. Not that long ago I guess it would be a week and a half ago I had the not so good privilege of getting into a car accident. Yes my baby that I just bought not that long ago. Just when you get something nice It has to get recked. I have been in a lot of pain from the accident but am very lucky to not have to much damage to my car.

On to a happier note I have been able to attend some hockey games lately,and some bull riding which is always a good time! I was also able to attend a very awesome talent show last weekend that the young adults in lethbridge put on. Last Saturday I went to a cousins bridal shower and then had to work of course. Then on Sunday My ward had a March party where they got this lady in the stake who writes songs and has a c.d. out to do a fireside. It was so awesome, every song was very inspirational and very beautiful to listen to. So with my crazy work schedule I have been very blessed to participate in many wonderful things over the last little while.

Today was a little unusual as I took one of my clients to Calgary to the Science Center. What a wonderful experience as I have never been there before. My client really liked looking at things with lights or things that moved. It was really neat to see all the things that they had there.

I am continuously pressing forward in my life and with all the many things that get in the way or make it better I am so grateful for what I have and what I have experienced!


P.S. There is nothing better then Tennis!