Monday, July 21, 2008

I can never get enough of Boccie Ball!

I know I haven't written in a long time, but I have some good reasons for that. I don't have very good excuses. One reason is that I have been working a lot of 14 to 15 hour days, and when I get home I don't feel like doing to much of anything. Tonight I happened to have the night off which doesn't come by very often these days. Another reason that I don't' write very often is because I feel like I don't have much to say. That's not a very good excuse because every time I decide to write the words just seem to come out. So I don't know whats going to come out but here it goes!

This weekend was a family weekend which in my opinion was not long enough. All but one brother came to lethbridge for the weekend. The two filled days went by so fast that it didn't even seem like they actually happened. There were many games of boccie ball, which I did pretty good at I might add. Lots of food, which you can never go wrong with and memories that will last forever. There was even a crying moment which is odd for my family, because we are not a crying family. None the less It was a great weekend had by all.

Today was defiantly a Monday when I woke up with a headache. I then showed up to work to find out that four people called in sick. This means that all the staff would have more then on client with them for that day. Nothing out of the ordinary happened for that day, I was just yawning a lot and having a hard time staying focused on what was going on. Near the end off the work day I took my clients to get a Slurpee which gave me this crazy sugar rush. I think I scared my co-workers. Before I new it the sugar rush had worn off and I was back to being tired again. The day ended off really nicely with a walk a round the lake with my roommate and an ice cream cone.

Well that's it for today! I promise to grace you all with my presence more often.

P.S. Tennis is the best sport ever!