Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The best holiday Ever!!!

I was very grateful to have a long weekend this weekend. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday out of all of them. It's the one holiday which has the best food and the one holiday that makes the most sense to celebrate. You also get to spend time with your family. When I found out that I would have to work most of the weekend and would not be able to go home I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I thought of making my own turkey dinner on Sunday but just make a really small one. When I woke up Sunday morning and couldn't move with out being in pain that plan flew out the window. I was however able to get in a lot of rest that day. I decided I would make a turkey dinner maybe this weekend coming up, but we will see. I say there is always next year as well.

On Sunday I ventured out to one on my nephews birthday parties. I have never been a fan of birthday parties. To much show and not enough fun. This however went very well with wonderful food, and games that all ages could play.

For those of you who are in to new t.v shows as i am, I suggest you try watching Dragons Den. I found it very interesting the things that people come up with for inventions and how some of them think they can make money off of them in today's world. I watched for the first time last night and I found it very intriguing!

Today was nothing out of the ordinary. I did however go and vote. I wasn't quite sure who I was going to vote for, but with a lot of discussion with my co-workers they helped me decide who I thought would be a good choice. The sad thing is that I am more interested in the American election then the Canadian one. However I still support Canada.

I hope everyone is enjoying your Tuesday!


P.S. There is nothing better then tennis!


Jenny said...

I voted too!! Yay!! I miss you too and hope we can actually get together some time this week.

Melissa said...

Mary I just want to say that your family does care about you and your blog... how else do we know what is going on in your life???