Wednesday, April 2, 2008

To leave without feeling guilty!

Well there is not much new in my life so I have not written in a long time. I feel like I get up every day and do the same old thing. This week how ever I have not had to work my second job every night. This has made me very happy to feel like I can do what ever I feel like instead of spending the night at work. I have been really good by making my self dinner every night so far. This is not always the case depending on what time I start work at, for it dose not always leave time to eat before work.
Last night I was able to go see my brother and his family. I have not seen them in a really long time and it was good to be able to see that they were still alive. I played with each one of my nephews and have now remembered what such simple things will amuse them. My Nephews have every toy that you can imagine and we spent most of our time playing with cushions from the couch and making them into a slide and forts and things. I was also able to watch the Oilers game with my brother. They did not win and so they will probably not make the playoffs. Yes I am a huge spots fan and I will not hide the fact that this is my favorite thing to spend my time on. Sports Rule!!!I was very glad to be able to go home at the end of the night and not have to deal with these very hipper boys who were not in bed yet at 9:30pm. I keep telling my self what kind of mother I will be after what other parents remind me what I don't want to do with my children. It will probably surprise me when I do actually get children and how it might not be as easy as I think.
Speaking of children my sister in law that lives in Grand Prairie phoned me last night and told me that she is pregnant. I still don't know if this was a prank or if it is real. When she got engaged they tried to hide it from everyone until after a couple of weeks after they were engaged. When she had bought a dog and did not want to tell any one till after they had it in there house for a month. We will just have to wait and see in a couple of months when she says that she is due. I hope when she shows us pictures of there child that it is really theirs and not some random picture.
This week I told my roommates that I will be moving out. I have toiled about this idea for two months now and have finally decided that it is time for a change. I hate change so we will see how this goes. I will miss my roommates dearly they have been a huge part in my life that will never be re paced.
As change is happening in my life I encourage everyone out there to bring something into there lives. You will be surprised as to what it will bring you!

P.S. Tennis Rocks!!!

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